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Tag: coercion


remember telling me about the horses the wild horses? I didn’t believe wild horses still roamed Georgia but you assured me showed me photographs of the horses in your...

Deep in the heart

We had taken a drive-away car from San Francisco to El Paso, but our final destination was San Antonio. We were two women in...

Upon watching [place of abuse] burn to the ground

In another dream, in a body not touched by their hands, I bang on the door, scream that there is a fire. But that is not this dream. In...


It streaked into my vision and startled me, a gray blur in the corner of my eye. Then I saw it— inches from my...


Cash saved for the unexpected broken tooth, car repair, the day the central heating quits. Water jugs and food to last the outage, snowstorm, hurricane. Go-bag with important papers....


I made the mistake of telling my therapist about the molestations, the assault, the rapes, and she had the audacity to ask me how I feel, and...


I could feel pieces of myself breaking.

Once more, but quieter

So many survivors doubt their own experiences.

Recommended Reading

The acknowledgement

I’m trying to be gentle with myself, but what if I never believe my body when it tells me what happened?

Have the time of your life!*

*Common side effects may include but are not limited to: harassment, stalking, getting drugged, passing out in...

To the fathers who do not abuse their daughters

On my street I am witness to the young men who carry the pink-flowered backpacks of little girls, who...