Survivor Lit is a place for sexual assault survivors to tell their stories through a variety of formats, including essays, articles, poetry, visual art and books (via reviews, excerpts and author interviews). Your submission does not necessarily have to be about the assault(s) itself/themselves. We are also looking for well-written pieces about all aspects of survivorship, from healing, mental health, trauma to expert advice on writing hard stories, navigating the criminal justice, legal and health care systems, and the body. All genders, sexual identities, gender expressions, races, religions, levels of physical and mental abilities, global citizens and political beliefs are welcome to submit.
We are a new nonprofit in fundraising mode. We currently do not pay for contributed work, but our goal is to raise the funds to be able to pay our contributors (and our editorial team) as soon as possible.
Your story matters, and we’d love to consider it for publication.
Submit your pitches, questions or completed, original work to our editor in chief, Kirsten Ott Palladino: [email protected]