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Tag: childhood

Their kind of pretty

Beautiful? Yes, I know I am. Though, it took me years to take such compliments gracefully. Not because I don’t see my own beauty; my own worth. I...

Dream mother

I had a dream that you were proud of me. You walked next to me and smiled and squeezed my hand, and that’s how I knew it...

Dish towels

The first lesson you taught me was how to fold the dish towels: First in half then one more half, and if I mess it up again, you’ll...

The children

I used to hoard apples until they were rotten. Green ones, not red. They would stay in the closet until I could no longer eat them,...

Recommended Reading

The acknowledgement

I’m trying to be gentle with myself, but what if I never believe my body when it tells me what happened?

Have the time of your life!*

*Common side effects may include but are not limited to: harassment, stalking, getting drugged, passing out in...

To the fathers who do not abuse their daughters

On my street I am witness to the young men who carry the pink-flowered backpacks of little girls, who...