Home Authors Posts by Wren Donovan

Wren Donovan

Wren Donovan’s (she/her) poetry appears or is upcoming in The Mark Literary Review, The Dillydoun Review, Cauldron Anthology, and Luna Luna Magazine. She has been writing most of her life. She studied literature, Classics, folklore, and counseling psychology at Millsaps College, UNC-Chapel Hill, Georgia State University, and University of Southern Mississippi. She is also a counselor, dancer, and Tarot reader. Wren lives in Tennessee.

Ghost Weeds (Reclamation)

The screen door swung shut with a muffled wooden bang, and darkness opened up behind me. The well-lit inside world disappeared as I turned...

Recommended Reading

The acknowledgement

I’m trying to be gentle with myself, but what if I never believe my body when it tells me what happened?

Have the time of your life!*

*Common side effects may include but are not limited to: harassment, stalking, getting drugged, passing out in...

To the fathers who do not abuse their daughters

On my street I am witness to the young men who carry the pink-flowered backpacks of little girls, who...